3 Tips For A Thriving, Healthy, And Appealing Kwanzan Cherry Tree

3 Tips For A Thriving, Healthy, And Appealing Kwanzan Cherry Tree

3 Tips For A Thriving, Healthy, And Appealing Kwanzan Cherry Tree

31 March 2018
, Blog

If you are hoping to add texture, color, and value to your landscape design, the Kwanzan cherry tree is an excellent option to consider. Lush floral blooms that last through the spring season and a height of up to 25 feet ensure this tree makes a beautiful statement in your yard. While common, most people do not understand how to grow or care for this elegant tree. With this guide, you will learn a few key facts about the Kwanzan cherry, which will help you implement this tree into your landscape.


Location is important when it comes to real estate, but it is also a crucial element to consider if you want your tree to grow and thrive.

The Kwanzan cherry grows best in an area that receives full sun. Soil that is well-drained will help reduce moisture content around your tree. While some moisture is necessary during implementation, an excess amount of moisture can increase the risk of fungal growth. Fungal disease spreads quickly through the roots and tree, killing the cherry tree while harming nearby plants.


Applying fertilizer during the early part of spring is best for your Kwanzan cherry because this will help promote new growth during the spring season.

Consider fertilizer spikes, which release nutrients slowly into the soil surrounding your tree. Use a low-nitrogen fertilizer, since high levels of nitrogen can increase fungal growth. This will protect your tree from root rot and other diseases.


Begin pruning your tree right after the floral blooms fall off after the spring season. This will help you remove any damaged branches that may be prone to or already infected with the disease.

Use sharp pruning shears to trim off dead foliage and discolored branches. Wipe down your pruning shears with bleach or rubbing alcohol after you finish. This will kill any fungus that may be lingering on the shears, reducing the risk of spreading the bacteria to other plants and trees.

Cut off any connecting branches, as well. Branches that are growing and rubbing on one another will decrease air circulation through the tree. Without proper air circulation, moisture will build up on the tree, causing fungal growth that leads to disease and the death of your tree. If the branches and trunk are severely discolored and decaying, the entire tree may be infected with the fungal infection. Removing the tree is best if you want to prevent the disease from spreading to other plants in your landscape design.

The Kwanzan cherry tree is an excellent addition to your landscape design, but proper planting and care is essential. Use this guide to help you plant, fertilize, and prune your cherry tree to ensure it is appealing and healthy for many years to come.

For more information, visit sites like http://www.prtree.com.

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Staying Safe During Tree Care

Tree care might seem simple, but it isn't always easy to trim large tree branches. I started thinking about trimming my own trees a few months ago, but after struggling repeatedly to take care of things on my own, I decided that it would probably be best to enlist the help of a professional. They came out, assessed the damage my trees currently had, and then helped me to identify ways to resolve the problem. I wanted to make a blog that talked all about the powerful benefits of professional tree trimming, so that other people understand how to make their homes and gardens more beautiful.
