3 Signs That You Need To Hire A Tree Care Professional

3 Signs That You Need To Hire A Tree Care Professional

3 Signs That You Need To Hire A Tree Care Professional

13 April 2018
, Blog

If you're like most modern homeowners, you realize that having trees in your yard has several benefits. Trees increase the curb appeal, and therefore the overall value, of your home. They also create a pleasant environment for you and other household members by providing shade and beauty. 

However, there are times when your trees may need specialized care to thrive, and although it can be tempting to perform tree maintenance work yourself, there are times when the situation calls for the services of a professional. Following are three circumstances where you should call a professional tree care expert instead of trying to muddle through on your own. 

1. Your Tree Has Been Severely Damaged By a Storm

It's one thing for a homeowner to remove the occasional dead or damaged low branch from one of their trees and quite another for them to identify and treat storm damage. Strong weather events can damage trees to the extent that they pose a safety hazard, so it's important that any damaged areas be dealt with by a professional. 

2. Your Tree Has Fruiting Fungal Bodies on the Trunk

Because fungal pathogens destroy trees from within, fruiting fungal bodies on the exterior parts of the tree mean that it's rotten from within. The closer the fruiting bodies are to the base of the tree, the more likely it is that the tree's entirely vascular system has been profoundly affected and that the disease may have even reached the roots. Most of the time, trees this far gone will have to be removed, and it must be done in such a way that protects the pathogen from spreading to other trees and shrubs in the yard. 

If the fruiting bodies are located on a higher branch, the tree may be able to be saved provided the pathogen hasn't yet reached the trunk. 

3. Your Tree Develops a Sudden Lean

A tree that slowly grows into a natural lean over a period of time is far less dangerous than one that develops a sudden lean. A tree that grows into a natural lean has a root system that has developed in such a way that it provides a support system that accommodates the lean. However, the appearance of a sudden lean indicates that the roots aren't doing a good job of providing the tree with a proper anchor and that it may be in danger of toppling over. A good tree care professional, like those at Affordable Tree Care, can decide on the best course of action in this case -- it may be possible to save the tree by using cables or other supports. 

About Me
Staying Safe During Tree Care

Tree care might seem simple, but it isn't always easy to trim large tree branches. I started thinking about trimming my own trees a few months ago, but after struggling repeatedly to take care of things on my own, I decided that it would probably be best to enlist the help of a professional. They came out, assessed the damage my trees currently had, and then helped me to identify ways to resolve the problem. I wanted to make a blog that talked all about the powerful benefits of professional tree trimming, so that other people understand how to make their homes and gardens more beautiful.
