Mario Gonzalez

Mario Gonzalez

General Tree Maintenance To Have A Tree Service Do In The Spring

26 April 2022
, Blog

People often wait to call a tree care company until their tree is clearly ailing or damaged in some way. However, if you take a preventative approach and provide your trees with regular maintenance, you will have fewer emergencies and urgent tree care issues overall. Spring is a great time to handle many of your trees' maintenance needs. Here are a few such general tree care services that are nice to have a tree company perform in the springtime.
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5 Storm Damages That May Require Tree Removal

23 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Storms can cause a lot of damage to the trees in your yard. Knowing when the damage is severe enough to warrant tree removal is important for the safety of your home and family. 1. Dangerous Leans Heavy rain or wet soil combined with high winds can cause a tree to lean dangerously. When this occurs, immediate assessment is necessary. In some cases, the tree may be saved with proper staking and stabilization techniques.
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5 Reasons Mosquitoes Won’t Stay Out Of Your Yard

28 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

As the weather warms, the mosquitoes return en masse to backyards around the area. Some yards seem to attract more mosquitoes than others, and the following are a few reasons why.  1. Stagnant Water  Standing water will lead to increased mosquito populations for one simple reason, water is where mosquito breeding takes place. Standing water can be as obvious as a stagnant pond, water collected in dirty rain gutters, or puddles standing in upturned toys and yard items.
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Early Pruning To Get Your Trees Ready For New Spring Growth

17 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

While the trees in your landscaping might seem to be a little bare during the winter months, the spring growth will soon be coming in. Thus, you are going to want to start pruning early to ensure your trees are ready for the warmer weather. The following information will help you with the care and tree pruning that needs to be done during the winter months: Caring for Your Trees Throughout Winter
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Have An Emerald Ash Not Doing Well? Insects Or Disease Could Cause Problems

8 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Emerald ash trees are beautiful and look great in any setting. If you have an emerald ash and it is not doing well, there are many insects and diseases that can cause this. Below is information about two of these so you can get the tree treated. Emerald Ash Borer The emerald ash borer is bright green and can damage an emerald ash tree. They have two pairs of wings and adults are about 1/3 inch long.
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About Me
Staying Safe During Tree Care

Tree care might seem simple, but it isn't always easy to trim large tree branches. I started thinking about trimming my own trees a few months ago, but after struggling repeatedly to take care of things on my own, I decided that it would probably be best to enlist the help of a professional. They came out, assessed the damage my trees currently had, and then helped me to identify ways to resolve the problem. I wanted to make a blog that talked all about the powerful benefits of professional tree trimming, so that other people understand how to make their homes and gardens more beautiful.
